So, we are three weeks into 2011…
Did you happen to make new years resolutions and are you keeping them? Did you make a plan to put your resolutions into practice? Without vision, clarity, focus and intention; great ideas and dreams can fade away just like the wisps of an extinguished flame.
A vision is the big picture; the feeling and desire of our hearts to have our lives play out in a certain way. This vision we have for our lives often changes over the course of time. Many times the vision we had for our lives when we were young is buried by the complications of adulthood. Let yourself dream about what you would like to see your life like in the here and now, not in some far off perfect world. Be still, close your eyes and imagine what you would like to see when you open your front door at the end of a long day…who you would like to see at the dawning of each new day…where you would like to spend your precious free time. How could the time you spend doing your work be a more enjoyable and fulfilling experience?
The ability to bring clarity to your vision will enhance and hone what you deem most important. With the images you compiled from your vision, narrow the scope to real life areas you have the ability to alter that will move you closer to the overall vision you have created in your mind.
When we are able to focus and concentrate on very specific tasks, this allows us to set out a plan of action. This in turn helps us implement and complete those tasks in an orderly and consistent manner.
Without intention our focus can become blurred and our tasks will become mundane and meaningless. It is at this point we begin wavering and our commitment begins to erode. Intention gives us the purpose for why we want the vision and are willing to carry out the tasks to bring us closer to our desired dream.
my experience…
For years I have chosen a word or phrase to help guide my vision for each year. I place this word and its meaning near my bathroom mirror and it becomes a daily reminder of my overall focus for that year. Some of my words have been…change, gratitude, no excuses, clarity, discernment, new possibilities, prosperity and restoration. I envisioned my life embracing those words each year. With clarity and focus I create an attainable plan of action for each area of my life…personal, business and home. With intention it easier to carry out the plan even when motivation seems in short supply.
Images can be very motivating to help keep your vision alive. Find pictures that depict what you would like to create in your life…or for inspiration, look at images and then use the ones you are drawn to for a jump off point for your vision.
Each year that passes brings us closer to something, with these four simple steps, let that “something” be a life you are fully engaged in and enjoy living. So…what does your vision look like?