With warmer weather approaching, the thought of spring cleaning can not be far from our minds. This is not just an opportunity to refresh our living spaces, but also a time to review what is still relevant to the way we use our rooms in the day to day routine of our lives.
“…to open windows and push the old air of winter out and allow the rush of fresh revitalizing spring air in…”
i. list five functions…
For each space in your home think of five functions that take place.
ii. qualify belongings…
Then as you go about your spring cleaning qualify your belongings and ask if they contribute to the use of that function or not.
Perhaps seasonal items need to be packed away and stored elsewhere. Maybe some items are more suited to be placed in other areas. It is very likely other items will not have a use at all within the context of your life anymore and can be passed on to others to use.
iii. rearrange…
Spring is a great time to move things around a bit.
Rearrange accessories and smaller pieces of furniture to give a new feeling to your rooms. Purge what is not adding to the overall function and beauty of the space. Try to view each area with a fresh perspective and err on the side of less.
Then sit down to a lovely cup of tea once you are all done…
Enjoy the weekend and happy cleaning! dawn x